Case Studies

Our clients come to us with a variety of financial situations and needs. RFC provides an “independent comprehensive financial planning experience” for those clients interested in increasing their financial education and who are capable, intelligent decision makers.

RFC offers a simple, step-by-step process to help coordinate and manage our clients’ financial lives so they can spend more time on those things in life that cannot be delegated.

Independent Planning

Many of us would like advice on how we are doing and what we should be doing differently across all of our financial life.

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Small Business Financial Planning

Life is busy and complex, and we’ve served everyone from those with simple family portfolios to those with multiple businesses.

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Retirement Planning

Many investors who are looking ahead to retirement wonder whether they’re saving enough to stay ahead of inflation and provide income throughout retirement.

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Investment Management

We’ve engaged with families of all shapes and sizes, and one scenario that’s not uncommon is losing your spouse in later years.

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University Fidelity & TIAA CREF Accounts

A University of Michigan employee requested a consultation to evaluate her University of Michigan benefits and retirement 403(b), 401(a), and 457(b) plans.
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Estate Planning

The phrase “estate and legacy planning” often triggers images of the richest in the world passing their wealth while incurring the least amount of taxes possible.
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College Planning

A couple who had two young elementary aged children and hadn’t saved anything for their college yet, came to us for help.
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Socially & Morally Responsible Investing

A couple came to us who were concerned about their investment’s financial return, and about making a positive impact on society through their investment dollars.
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Risk Management

A new client asked why his annual life insurance cost continued to increase over the past few years.
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