Independent Planning Case Study

Providing an independent assessment of overall finances in a comprehensive way. 

Estate Planning Case Study

Story: The phrase “estate and legacy planning” often triggers images of the richest in the world passing their wealth while incurring the least amount of taxes possible. That is the picture that one of our clients had in mind when they asked us about estate and legacy planning.

College Planning Case Study

Story: A couple who had two young elementary aged children and hadn’t saved anything for their college yet, came to us for help. They were worried about not having college savings for their children when the time came, and letting their children drown in student debt post-college. The coupl …

Socially & Morally Responsible Investing Case Study

Story: A couple came to us who were concerned about their investment’s financial return, and about making a positive impact on society through their investment dollars. The couple was very intent on making their money not only work for them, but work for social betterment.

Risk Management Case Study

Story: A new client asked why his annual life insurance cost continued to increase over the past few years. It was getting difficult for him to afford the cost, but he still wanted to keep his coverage.

University Accounts Case Study

Story: A University of Michigan employee requested a complimentary initial consultation to evaluate her University of Michigan benefits and retirement 403(b), 401(a), and 457(b) plans.

Investment Management Case Study

Comprehensive financial planning and investment management services after a life transition. 

Retirement Planning Case Study

Am I on track for retirement? It’s a question here at RFC we’ve helped answered many times. 

Small Business Financial Planning Case Study

Freeing you up to pursue your dreams. 

Business professional using his tablet to check his financial numbers

401(k) Calculator

Determine how your retirement account compares to what you may need in retirement.

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